

2024年4月3日 - 10分钟阅读

对Z世代的研究 — the age group roughly from 12 to 27 years old — show that they are experiencing higher levels of loneliness, 焦虑, 以及对他们人身安全的担忧, 更不用说对住房负担能力和就业机会的担忧了. 三年的社会混乱和正常活动的暂停, 由于COVID-19大流行, 迫使孩子们在学校使用屏幕,扰乱了正常的社交渠道, 导致许多人的互动和应对技能较差.

但面对这些趋势,康考迪亚大学欧文分校和 基督教住宿机构 喜欢它, 为美国社会提供了一种独特而有效的东西:关怀, 让学生感到安全的亲密社区, 都是熟人, and become empowered to thrive in key areas of life — including overcoming negative societal forces.

“Most adults don’t understand how isolated our students feel and how worried many are about the future,康科迪亚总裁说, Dr. 迈克尔·托马斯。. “Many students coming in haven’t had the normal interactions that one would expect from just a few years ago. And these disruptive aspects of their formation into adults present challenges th在欧文的康考迪亚大学, an 基督教团体,可以缓解.”

在线出版物Axios最近发表了一篇题为, 《最孤独的一代:Z世代心理健康危机内幕,” cited a Gallup Walton Family Foundation survey which found that Gen Z “reports the poorest 心理健康 of any generation” and are “grappling with alarming rates of loneliness, 抑郁和自杀念头.”

“政治上的冲突, economic and social trends has minted a generation in which huge numbers of people struggle to cope with the present and feel even worse about the future,文章说. 只有44%的z世代表示他们为未来做好了准备.”

这些挑战在康考迪亚大学的校园里得到了证实 心理健康 在今天的学生中生活和工作的专家、教师和精神导师.

“We’ve always seen students who are really struggling with 焦虑 and feelings of 隔离 and separation, 但现在感觉这是一种更广泛的体验, 很多学生都在努力解决这些问题,校园牧师昆顿·安德森说, 一个长期的校园居民,和他的家人住在一个 生活学习社区宿舍. “我看到越来越多的学生感到疲惫不堪, 被他们被拉扯的方式弄得不知所措, 繁忙的日程安排. It’s like they’re already in a zone — already so worn down that they’re trying to operate at a depleted level, 情感上和精神上.”

唐娜·沃什伯恩同意. 她是纽约大学的副院长 汤森研究所 并在心理健康领域有超过20年的经验, 特别是在高等教育和作为一个有执照的临床医生.

“作为一名教员, 社区成员, 邻居和朋友, 我亲眼目睹了越来越多的人感到压力和焦虑, 无论是教室里的学生, 社区成员, 或者和我一起去教堂的人,沃什伯恩说.

例如, it’s more common now for students to request personal accommodations for relatively minor events at home or their places of employment, and to become upset over an assignment which “wouldn’t have stressed students out in previous years,她说。. 而不是从正常的压力诱发事件中恢复过来, 或者来自社会和世界的发展, “individuals are at such a high level of 焦虑 and stress that they can no longer cope like they used to,沃什伯恩说.

“有些孩子是在人们不敢出门的年代长大的, 害怕和别人握手,” Dr. 玛格丽特圣诞节他是哈佛大学院长。 汤森研究所. “当孩子们学习语言和面部表情时, 当他们不能与其他孩子进行社交互动时,问题就会加剧. They haven’t had the same amount of opportunity to develop social skills or recognize social cues as previous generations may have had.”

虽然这可能会导致延迟, 规范性和恢复性的经历可以帮助他们愈合, 圣诞节说.

凯特琳·斯塔福德,临时项目主管 咨询项目 在康科迪亚的汤森研究所, is a practicing 心理健康 clinician and trauma specialist who works with adults and teens. 她教授戒瘾咨询,危机和创伤方面的硕士课程. 家庭系统, 她说, 近年来受到过伤害吗, 缺乏人际关系导致了广泛的社交焦虑.

“Even some of my adult clients are having a harder time because they were exposed to social situations less,” 斯塔福德 说. “当我们回避某些情况时,它们在我们的大脑中会变得更加危险. 我们参与的社交场合越少,似乎就变得越危险.安德森牧师说,许多学生想要交流,但又害怕交流.

“越来越多的人似乎是故意一个人吃饭, 把自己和别人分开,他说. “我看到这类活动有所增加,这当然不是一个积极的变化.”

矛盾的是, 他说, “我看到很多人都想挤在一起,花更多的时间在一起, but I also see a layer of fatigue from desiring that and then it almost causes a recoil that 说, “我仍然需要这些其他的方式来保持分离和我自己的空间.“内向者试图充电的方式,现在我们在各个方面都看到了. 人们希望与很多人互动, 然而,当他们踏入这个领域时,又会有一种挣扎,因为事情已经重新开放了.”

Among the stressors unleashed on young people by recent events is an unusual amount of loss of parents to death, 米歇尔·拉布斯说, 副院长 学生健康 哪个学校提供心理咨询和健康服务.

“上个月, 我们有三个学生失去了父母, 两个死于癌症,一个突然死于医生办公室,拉布斯说。, 在协和女神工作了16年的人. “Before, it was a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle, but in the last few years we are hearing ‘parents.’”

麻烦的是, 自杀的想法也增加了, 但学生们也乐于通过咨询和其他方式寻求帮助.

尽管有全国性的趋势, 所有人都看到了Z世代的巨大优势, 尤其是当它们处于适合生长的环境中时.

斯塔福德说:“作为人类,我们的适应力非常强. “当我们经历逆境时, 我们可以成长,拥有智慧,更有使命感和意义感. 因此,几乎可以产生一种精神上的超越. 我在我们的学生身上看到过很多这样的情况.”

生活中的重要经历有力地支持了复原力 基督教住宅社区,他们同意.

“A Christian residential school like Concordia does something almost no place in our society does anymore,” 总统托马斯。. 他说:“社会上有很多机构过去把人们聚集在一起,比如社交俱乐部, 垒球联赛, 甚至是青年团体, 例如,在我们国家的许多地方都倒塌了. 其中一些年轻人曾经交往的地方已经不再是我们文化的一部分. 考虑到公共互动场所的缺乏, the real power of a Christian residential experience is its holistic formation of the student. 在其他地方,我们会把来自不同地理位置的年轻人混在一起, 城市和农村, 谁持有不同的政治观点, 甚至可能是宗教信仰?”

他补充说:“康科迪亚的重点是 基督徒的身份 and our insistence that full-time faculty and staff are practicing Christians who are experts in their professions, 使我们能够提供一个专注于形成的住宅体验, 甚至成熟, 每一个学生. 坚定地植根于我们的基督徒身份, 我们大胆地打开校园的大门,走向世界, 我们做一些世俗学校永远做不到的事情:我们教育心灵和灵魂. 我们引导学生深入思考他们是谁, 然后鼓励他们向外开放, 超越自己, 爱上帝——这是他们灵魂的形成——并爱他们的邻居, 他们的心脏是怎么形成的.”

A key element that enables this holistic formation 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is a care team made up of residential directors, 教务长, 校园牧师, 心理健康咨询师和临床医生, 教务长, and others who meet weekly to discuss whether any students seem to need special attention due to trying circumstances. “If a member of that group suspects something is going wrong with a student’s life — say he or she is missing class or is not engaged — he can discuss it within the network of these relationships and someone might say, “那是我宿舍的一个学生,心理健康或校园事工的人可能会这么说, “我们已经在和那个学生打交道了,’”托马斯说. “我们有一个内置的人际网络,通过它我们以一种支持的方式进行监控.”

事实上,每14名学生对应一名教师, 再加上一大批住宅主管, 教练, 同学们, 意味着所有学生都能叫出名字,每天都能见到他们. 沃什伯恩说,这种友谊是治愈的方式.

“这听起来太老套了, 但仅仅花时间和别人在一起就有治疗价值,她说。. 约翰·汤森称它们为“关系营养物”.和别人坐在一起, 喝咖啡, not even having to have big conversations but just the physical experience of being present, 用同理心回应, 当有人想甩你的时候倾听. 简单的关系原则帮助其他人认识到他们的价值. 我们相信这是上帝创造我们的方式. 神用关系来医治.”

安德森说,过去他倾向于花更多的时间倾听, 这些天,他发现学生们渴望听到长者的智慧.

“Some of the things that can help shift these [problems] are basic life and social skills that somehow don’t seem ingrained in all students,他说. “我发现自己可以更自由地说,‘如果你试试这个会怎么样?’”


”我说, “通过社交媒体交朋友并与人互动是件好事, but there’s something different when you are intentionally wrestling with day-to-day struggles of life in a community that’s wanting to do so in connection to Christ,’”安德森说。. “I encourage students to get plugged into these sorts of things and become part of a shared life in Christ, 因为这是神安排我们接受支持和鼓励的方式. 在一个越来越倾向个人主义的世界里, 隔离, 和自力更生, we get to call people into an incarnational understanding of God who invites us into a shared life of grace with others. 这种关系是有深度和丰富的. 这是我们需要的.”

He observes that students who plug into a Christian community are “the ones who have an easier time in the midst of all these things,他说.

康科迪亚也有幸成为 汤森研究所, 全国咨询智慧与培训之源, which is “all about embracing these challenges and using our clinical skills to teach students to provide healing and health at such a time as this,沃什伯恩说。.


“我们认为信仰是我们工作的关键组成部分,”克里斯莫斯说. "我们在康考迪亚的当务之急是 路德的身份. We talk about the power of faith in healing people whether we work in a secular or pastoral environment. The power of the Holy Spirit comes to those spaces and the counselor becomes the hands and feet of Jesus.”

在一个日益以孤立和分裂为特征的社会中, some of the healthiest environments in our society that can help young people to build deep relationships are Christian residential colleges where students learn to thrive as adults in a vibrant campus community, 及以后. 欧文康考迪亚大学 certainly carries out this special calling on a daily basis as the community lives out the Lord’s will in this special place.


