

父母 & 家庭


RES is about much more than putting students in a room and hoping that they get along. 的部门 住宿教育及服务 is committed to developing meaningful living communities through maximizing co-curricular opportunities, 在基督里塑造忠心的生活, and empowering students to intentionally contribute to the 欧文康考迪亚大学 community.

住宿教育办公室 & 服务目的:

  • 体现大学的使命
  • 培养学生(全面)
  • Help students find their uniqueness and how it relates within the context of community
  • Live out our faith in practical and tangible ways as we live with students
  • 为有意参与创造机会
  • Establish and provide structure/guidelines leading to a safe living environment
  • 启动程序, 对话, and procedures that educate and prepare our students for the world beyond 欧文康考迪亚大学
  • Create and maintain a community for our students to be a part of something bigger than themselves


Programs (or programming) are events/activities developed by the RES Staff to encourage student interaction, 增长, 和发展. We firmly believe that there is a large amount of learning that occurs outside the classroom and our events are designed to complement academic education. To that end, each RA is required to sponsor three hall events per semester. These events are themed and timed with student development throughout the academic year. 例如, in October all hall events promote healthy relationships at a time when roommate tensions tend to surface. We believe offering activities that help students grow in these areas will help them leave 欧文康考迪亚大学 as well-rounded people.


我们相信,我们所做的每一件事都在给别人上一课! As a result, we do our best not to teach students anything they will have to unlearn. 例如, many students believe (or have learned) that having their parents call or intervene will change the outcome of a particular situation. RES firmly believes in serving students to the best of our ability, 不管父母是否参与. So you can rest assured that your son or daughter will receive the same service regardless of your involvement. Many of our "teachable moments" occur during a conflict (usually roommate) where a staff member helps the student learn from a mistake or teaches them how to handle a particular situation on the spot.


RA代表住校助理. RAs are students who live in the hall with your student and serve as a resource for students. Some of their responsibilities include sponsoring events, 调解室友冲突, 每周进行健康和安全检查. RAs are selected during the Spring semester and are trained and mentored by the professional staff. RD代表 常驻董事. rd训练有素, 有经验的, and gifted professionals that live in the buildings and are responsible for their housing area.

What if my son or daughter has a problem with his or her roommate?

和任何关系一样, it sometimes takes students a while to learn how to live together and to share the same living space. The RA will sit down with the roommates during the first month of school to help them complete a roommate contract. The roommate contract is designed to help them communicate their boundaries and expectations. The roommate contracts are kept on file in the RES office and can be viewed/altered at any time by the resident students if the need arises.

While sharing a room with another person can be a test of one's patience, 这也是一次非常有益的经历. Once students understand the importance of communicating their feelings, 妥协和耐心, 问题往往很容易解决. You may want to suggest that your son or daughter take the following steps to hopefully resolve the problems he/she is currently having with his/her roommate(s):

  • Air gripes and concerns immediately, before they escalate.
  • 承认并尊重彼此的感受.
  • 对期望要现实.
  • 任何时候都要保持沟通畅通.
  • Be considerate of one another's privacy and possessions.
  • There is a lot of learning that occurs outside the classroom and our goal is to help your student develop into a well-rounded individual. Some very important parts of human development are learning how to live with different people, 沟通技巧, 以及解决冲突的技巧. We view a roommate conflict as one of the greatest opportunities to learn all these skills. Therefore, we take a very developmentally focused approach in addressing these issues.

例如, we require students to speak with their roommates first so they can have the experience of confrontation and develop their 沟通技巧. 如果这对某个学生来说太难了, we try to coach them through the process so that they can go into the experience with all the necessary tools. If the confrontation of a roommate does not resolve the issue, 我们会越来越多地参与其中. Our next step would be mediation with their RA and if that does not solve it, 然后这个问题就会提交给研发局进行最终解决.


If you have general questions about Residence Life, please 与总部联系. 然而, if you have a specific question about a roommate conflict or a specific building issue it is best that you speak with the RD from that building.
