
CUI 播客s Extend the Campus Community

2021年3月22日 - 10分钟阅读

Professor Mallinson recording 崔波诺

Everybody’s talking at CUI — and many are doing it through podcasts.

在过去的一两年里, half a dozen new podcasts have popped up, 由教师创建, 学生和管理人员. 从恐龙到博彩平台推荐,再到崇拜神学,每个人都在为谈话增添话题, 还有很多介于两者之间.



两位总统之间是一个较新的节目,由(你猜对了)两位主席主持:崔主席, Dr. 迈克尔·托马斯。; and ASCUI president Tyler Haase ’21. 这对新晋的播客搭档每月都会坐下来互相开玩笑,并采访来自校园各个角落的嘉宾. 

“I was very apprehensive going into the first episode,哈斯承认道。, who is a marketing and finance major graduating in May. “I don’t like to talk about myself or be the focus. I wondered, ’How is this going to go? 谁会去听呢? 我能做得好吗?’” 

在第一集中,他和Dr. 托马斯。 started off by asking each other questions posed by the show’s producer, 其中之一是, “你最喜欢什么恐龙??” As it turns out, neither man boasts much dinosaur knowledge. “I said, ’The flying one,’” Haase recalls. 

“I couldn’t think of a name of a dinosaur!” Dr. 托马斯说. 然后我们笑了起来.”

来解决他们的恐龙失败, 他们邀请了生物学教授罗德·索珀到下一集“向我们解释恐龙”,哈斯说. That turned into a discussion about science and faith.

“I’ve enjoyed picking up the skill of interviewing,哈泽说。, who now enjoys what he had initially feared. “很多都是在飞行中. The best podcasts aren’t super-scripted. 它们流到该流的地方. There’s been a good progression as we’ve continued to do this.” 

Dr. 托马斯说,他对待播客的方式就像对待学生一样:“真实而不拘谨.” “Hopefully the audience is entertained and informed,他说. 

两人都特别喜欢 圣诞节一集 他们听了老师和学生谈论他们最喜欢的圣诞节传统的音频片段,并对其进行了评论. 

“这真的很棒,”哈斯说. “我们有很多机会从面试者身上收集到有趣的东西.” 

The younger president also likes learning from his co-host. “Dr. 托马斯和我建立了很好的关系因为我们都想帮助康考迪亚的学生,哈斯说. “我从他身上学会了尽可能坦率,努力把事情做得更好.”



在那边 Center for Worship Leadership (CWL) 住在 基督学院, three different podcasts are now being produced — and each relates to the other. 

牧师. 史蒂夫·赞克06年, director of worship theology at the CWL, hosts one podcast and produces the other two along with CUI’s Jon Jordening, founder and executive director of CWL. Zank说,这三个播客分别涉及敬拜艺术事工的一个不同核心方面:神学, 领导, 以及实用技能. 

在中心, 我们希望鼓励和授权人们更清楚地思考敬拜神学, to be better equipped for ministry 领导, 并提高实际技能,Zank说. “ question was, how do we do that well? The more we thought about it, the question became, why not do a podcast?” 

2019年,他们推出了“运动中的神学” in which Zank interviews PhD-level thinkers about worship theology. 

“我们从自己的教师队伍开始, then reached out to a wider audience to draw new people into the conversation,他说. 

客人包括西蒙·扎尔, member of the theology faculty at Cambridge; Constance Cherry, 的作者 敬拜建筑师; Mark Mattes, an expert on theological aesthetics; Glenn Packiam, 的作者 敬拜与来世; Dr. 罗伯特·科尔布, Reformation historian and author; and Lester Ruth at Duke Divinity School, an authority on the history of contemporary worship. 

“re are many worship scholars with great ideas, 我只需要给他们发一封邮件,问他们是否愿意和我一起坐下来做一个小时的播客,Zank说. “I aim really high and have never had anyone turn me down for an interview.” 

One of the many benefits beyond building up podcast listeners’ knowledge, Zank说, is the growing sense of camaraderie among guests who become friends of the CWL. 

“We’re creating a bit of a community in that way,Zank说. “这是一段非常有趣的旅程.” 

另一个CWL播客和视频。”在一楼,出自《亚洲体育博彩平台》.” It features a panel of worship ministry leaders sharing stories from ministry, 这与《亚洲体育博彩平台》一书中提出的更大的观点有关,或者至少是从这个观点出发的.” 

“y discuss what those big ideas look like in actual ministry,” says Zank. 

The show is hosted by CUI alumnus Matt Preston ’09, who is on the worship staff at Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, 德州. 

第三期播客, “汤是怎么做的。,深入探讨了敬拜事工和音乐在当地教会背景下的细节. 

"汤是怎么做的Zank说:“这本书为所有年龄段的音乐家提供了实用的技巧和诀窍。. “As a guitar or keyboard player, how do you approach this or that? What do you do in your practice routine? 怎样才能得到好的音质? How do you keep a ’rock culture’ from developing in a green room setting?” 

CUI alumnus and professional musician Corey Witt ’98 hosts the podcast, interviewing guests who are professionals leading music in worship, from small neighborhood churches to large churches and festivals in Orange County. Corey interviews world-class artists, 比如肖恩和肖恩, 马修·西, 汤米·沃克, 菲尔韦翰, 马特·瑞德曼, 怜悯我, 蒂姆•休斯, 还有杰里米·里德尔. Also among the guests have been the musical director of Harvest, cast vocal director for NBC’s Perfect Harmony, and the music director at Mariners Church here in Orange County. 

“这三部剧提供了一个机会,让人们深入思考我们在做什么以及我们是如何做的,Zank说. “我们要刺激神学家的头脑,搅动领导者的心灵,准备工人的双手. 这就是我们在CWL的敬拜事工的整体方法.” 

Zank和他的团队希望建立一个节目目录,随着时间的推移,它将提供“相当有力的崇拜教育”, 他说.



历史教授杰夫·马林森无疑是校园里最有经验的播客之一, 几年前,他曾主持过一个成功的(尽管不是官方的cui附属)“荒原上的美德”播客. These days, Mallinson, who also helped found 崔的生活学习社区正在创建一个播客来表达学生驱动的声音和对话 崔波诺 校园运动. 

崔波诺演员 利用我们在校园里已经在做的事情,并与不能到场的校友和学生分享,马林森说。. 年轻的播客, which already has built an impressive backlog of shows and series, 始于2020年秋季,部分原因是CUI社区的许多成员那个学期都不在校园. 

“We said, ‘Let’s use this to keep connected’,马林森说. 

该播客提供常规功能, including audio of the 崔波诺 conversations held nearly every Tuesday. 这些活动在学生和教授之间的非正式聚会中进行,欢迎各种各样的问题并鼓励讨论. 

“Students like it because they get to ask real-life, 个人申请问题,在谈话中,我们已经建立了信任,并与对方的跟踪记录,马林森说. “Students aren’t getting grades and faculty aren’t getting paid, so it had better be somewhat interesting. 每个人都全力以赴.” 

The podcast offers in-studio interviews as well, 加上有趣的小组讨论或其他课外讨论发生在校园的音频, largely in the Living and Learning Communities. 

“学生们经常说,崔波诺是他们经历中最具变革性的方面之一,马林森这样评价这个十岁的孩子, 学生运动. “That spirit is what allows the conversation to be more applicable to life.” 

播客的部分目的也是教学生如何创建播客. 有些人自愿帮助马林森拿麦克风,并操作他在活动中运送的车载声板. 

“I’m trying to apprentice students in the process of these things,他说. “我们正在形成一种文化,让人们了解技术,了解如何检查麦克风等等. We’re comfortable with rough edges because of the grassroots nature of it. Our job is to go capture it and get it out there.” 

Philosophy professor Dan Deen ’01 leads 崔波诺, 社会学教授Kristin Koenig在被评为2020年崔波诺年度教师后,同意在今年担任“学术导游”的角色. Her voice can be heard on the shows’ intros and outros. 马林森说:“随着人们加入并希望成为其中的一部分,它的势头越来越大。. “我鼓励听众订阅,听他们想听的,而不是他们不想听的. We think most people will see something that strikes their fancy.”



崔的众人认同 Master's in Coaching and 博彩平台推荐 Administration program 增加了一个播客,在某种程度上是建立在现有的am570广播广告之上的. 

“我们与iHeart媒体的节目合作使我们能够在庞大的媒体市场上进行直播, 我们也看到了开发更多实质性和对话内容的机会,这些内容将展示我们项目的质量和特点,乔治·艾伦说。, CUI的市场总监. “播客的目标是为我们的MCAA校友建立一个庞大的网络平台, 学生和教师, 讲述他们的故事.” 

这个播客名为 教练硕士由蒂姆·盖茨主持,他因在电台报道洛杉矶道奇队而闻名. Guests range from football coaches at powerhouse high schools in Orange County, all the way up to Super Bowl champion players and CIF executives. 第一季, 去年首次亮相, 制作16集, 都是校友, 学生和教师 from CUI’s MCAA program. 

“Our target audience is coaches of all levels, 体育主管和其他参与或对教育体育世界感兴趣的人,艾伦说。. “播客展示了如何掌握成为一名变革性教练和领导者的技巧,就像成为一名运动员一样.” 
